z-invest GmbH
Am Rinkenpfuhl 34
D-50676, Cologne

Phone: +49 221 42344828
Email: info@zinvest.eu
Internet: www.zinvest.eu

Managing Director: Uwe Zimmer

Registered office of the company: Cologne
HRB No. 101504, Local Court of Cologne
Tax number: 219/5838/1233
VAT ID No. DE329378852

Information about the company identity according to § 6 Teledienstgesetz: of July 22, 1997 (BGBl. I, p. 1870), last amended by Article 1 of the law on legal framework conditions for electronic commerce of December 14, 2001 (BGBl. I, p. 3721).
The information on these web pages is regularly checked and updated by z-invest GmbH. Despite all care, the data may have changed in the meantime. A liability or guarantee for the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the information can not be accepted. Despite careful control of the content, we also assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content

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